Location: Sierra on the Lake, Lake Tahoe, California, USA

Race Type: Para NorAm (qualifications for Paralympics)

Representing: Canada

Day one of training was a rainy cloudy day, but team Canada made the best they could of it and got the course inspected and running at 70%. It was a easy course to get used to and nothing intimidating to worry about. All about having the proper line through the course to be the fastest.

The second day of training it was still rainy but with having more confidence in the course made it super fun to ride. My goal for today was to get comfortable doubling a roller section in the course. I accomplished this goal and was running the course with a comfortable time.

Dropping Dropping

Finally some sun! The third day for training was awesome! Got the double dialled in and found a super fast line through the course. The snow was much colder today allowing much faster riding. Rode a couple confident runs before ending the not so i would not fatigue myself for the race tomorrow. It was a great day and alot of fun.

Board all waxed and ready for the big race. Board all waxed and ready for the big race.

With race day tomorrow I am pretty nervous but trying to remember the confidence I had through the course today. Going over some video footage I made today and visualizing the course. My goal is to come top ten
tomorrow and second in Canada. I will be racing my hardest and going for goal. I have my line dialled in and feel confident on the double section.

I wanna thank everyone for the continued support and I hope to du you proud!

In the words of: John Leslie