I threw a short video of our trip to Mt Hood, Oregon with our intended song.  We ended up going with something more upbeat, but I felt the need to have this footage edited to this specific song as we planned.

This time, last year.  The Better Days

Produced and Edited:  Carlo L. Mion

Skiing By: Max Morello

Additional Shot:  Will Blackwell

Song:  Graham Nash – Better Days


Robyn Marie Shaw takes you behind the scenes of her preparation before her final school project for OCADU’s 100th GRAD EX.

In the summer of July 2014, I got the opportunity to work with Momentum Ski Camps on the Blackcomb glacier.  I was working alongside Graeme Meiklejohn filming and producing the weekly recap videos.  During this time I was learning the ins and outs of glacier life and skiing the best park Blackcomb has to offer.  It was a long month of filming, editing, skiing, drinking, partying, no sleeping and sun burning, but wouldn’t have traded it for anything else.  I have put together my hightlights from throughout the month into a short video for your enjoyment.

I want to thank John Smart, Graeme Meiklejohn, Colin Sutherland, James Roberts, Kevin McHugh, Anita Facundo, the diggers, all the pros and the rest of the Momentum Ski Camp staff for making it the best month/summer of my life!

Produced and Edited:  Carlo L. Mion

Animation:  Graeme Meiklejohn

Song:  Platoon – Jungle

Skiing (by appearance) – James Woods, Michael Kingsbury, Gus Kenworthy, Sean Petitt, Noah Bowman, Broby Leeds, Brenden Reid, Noah Morrison, ABM, Austin De Ste Croix



Taking a step back from the past few videos, Carlo Mion now has the camera pointed on himself.  Moving to Whistler, Blackcomb in October 2013 put him in front some of the best terrain he’s ever skied.  These are some of the best clips he scored last season.

With some extra time on our hands we are sorting through and posting a lot of leftovers and extra footage from the past season.  Keep your eyes open for more of these short videos to come!

Brenden was on a complete slay last year and most of the time had a ton of extra footage that just couldn’t fit into our edits.  This is from one day in February at Blackcomb Park.


Getting you excited for this upcoming season, Alexi Godbout destroys Whistler, Blackcomb park in one day last spring!  The sun was booming and Alexi was ripping as usual, his unique style makes watching this one a breeze.


Produced and Edited: Carlo L. Mion
Skiing: Alexi Godbout
Song: I Ain’t Superstitious – Jeff Beck Group


After a amazing month up on Blackcombs glacier, we travelled to Mt. Hood, Oregon with Max Morello to take part in a new game called SLVSH.  We found some time when he wasn’t competing to take a few laps of our own and try to stack some footage for a soon to be summer edit.  Once back home, rope swings and lakes were in full force.  We took the camera out, got a few more shots, and put together our amazing summer into a short video.



Phil Clairoux plays around on his backyard set up before heading off to Windells Academy.  He was not shy to show us some of the new tricks he has learnt this past summer, look out for him this winter!

Phil Clairoux | Backyard Outrage from duMedia on Vimeo.

Produced and Edited: Carlo L. Mion
Trampoline Action: Phil Clairoux
Song: The Master – EMOG

This summer Austin got to live in Whistler digging for Momentum Ski Camps.  Props out to the filmers and exposure kids that helped donate footage to put this together!


Come party at the Do It Yourself Video Release Party at Babylon Night Club on Saturday September 6th.  Doors open at 9:00, movie premiere at 10:30.  There will be tons of door prizes plus DJ Illo will keep the party going with the FEVERS after-party.

DU will also have a booth set up with our apparel.  Bring a couple extra bucks because our products will catch your eye!

For more info, check out the event on Facebook.